Sunday 24 August 2008

Britney Spears Begs Jamie-Lynn To Move In

...more Britney Spears �

Britney Spears is reportedly stressful to sway Jamie-Lynn that it would be a good move to raise her nestling with large sis in Los Angeles.

According to reports, the isaac Bashevis Singer has been trying to convince her sister to relocate ever since she fell pregnant.

And when allegations that Jamie-Lynn�s boyfriend Casey Aldrige had cheated hit, Britney is said to have offered to aviate her sister and short Maddie Briaan to L.A. via secret jet.

"Brit has assured Jamie Lynn that she'll build a nursery for Maddie - even promising that when she buys her new spot, it volition have a special wing for them," a seed tells Star.

Britney is reportedly hoping to bring Jamie-Lynn round to the idea when the Zoey ci star visits in September to celebrate her nephews' Preston and Jayden�s birthdays.